We reserve VIP seats online a few days in advance, walk into the theater, enter our confirmation number in the little magic machine and our tickets spit out. We get a special number for the VIP restroom (no waiting in line and it's super clean and pretty) from the kid at the desk.
We are ushered to our seats and the very friendly server takes our order (which he/she will deliver to our seats) - anything from a meal to Junior Mints to popcorn; soft drinks to beer, wine or a cocktail (soft drinks and popcorn are free btw) - and we settle into the giant leather recliner like-seats to enjoy our chosen flick of the day.
And the best part (as if all that wasn't fantastic)? No kids. I have never seen anyone under 18 in the theater. And that, my friends, is by design. I don't know that it actually says anywhere that kids aren't invited to the party, but it is "understood." I have nothing against kids, but we've all had our less-than-happy movie experiences where crying babies - or God forbid teenagers and their cell phones - are present.
So, yes, my name is Cindi and I'm a Landmark Theater snob.
Yesterday afternoon it looked like rain
Although, much to our dismay, I don't think rain ever really materialized.
so I donned my new Toms kicks
Not only super cute and comfy
but Toms partnered with Charlize Theron
and her African Outreach Project which
helps protect African youth safe from HIV/AIDS
and a portion of the sale of these shoes
goes to her charity.
and we were off to Landmark to let Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy keep us laughing thru a couple of hours of The Heat. And laugh we did. What a duo!
From there it was onto another of our favorite haunts Sur le Table. Always dangerous... We were just going to stop by and check out a new Wűsthof knife I had been coveting.
Of course we just had to have it to add to our collection.
(It actually is pretty cool -
fruits and veggies don't stick to the knife when you slice.)
And - of course - we found other things we just had to have...
Prying ourselves out of the store before we broke the bank, we ventured on to another favorite haunt Hillstone in Cherry Creek for the sushi I crave every now and then and won't shut up until I get my fix.
And refreshments were in order as well
Although The Mister's Moscow Mule was tasty
it just isn't quite the same when not prepared properly as he does at home
in his copper cup.
So that was my Saturday of favorite things. It is delightful to have a little time to have a life.
However short-lived that may be. *wink*