xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Best Things in Life Are In Shelters and Rescue Organizations

Today I entered my beloved K Team in the 2019 Photo Calendar Contest with the Dumb Friends League

I did it for a few reasons. One - Kizzie, the Matriarch of the K Team, was adopted there 4.5 years ago. 

Two - Koko (Koko Loco, Koko Bean, Kokoro - Spirit in Japanese) was adopted there 4.5 years ago.

Three - Kukki (Cookie in Japanese) was adopted there 5 weeks ago.

Kazzy Boy came from another shelter, but he was a shelter kitty, too. 

And years ago our A-choo was adopted from there - about 1993.

I almost entered Kia, 

but then thought - I may never stop. I've had a lot of dogs and cats in my life...

The annual Photo Calendar Contest helps raise a lot of money for the shelter - and it's fun!

The K Team donates food and toys and blankets to the Dumb Friends League and have for years. We donate money when we can. They do good work. Our Vet has volunteered there for years. She does good work.

There are A LOT of shelters and rescues and fosters and volunteers and transporters in the world who do amazing work. I am in awe of them and I am humbled by them.  

It makes me enormously happy to peruse the entries into the Photo Calendar Contest. It is much safer for me than perusing the "Adopt" page. When I am looking at the entries into the photo contest I can smile endlessly knowing that these adorable animals have loving, happy homes. 

And I want to vote for every single one.  Maybe they should expand beyond a calendar and make a book...