xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Monday, July 8, 2013

Birds on the Brain

Life has been really busy lately and that's a good thing. Keeping my mind and ol' body busy is crucial right now.

I've moved into my new studio space (aka the loft in our house). It will take weeks to finally get things properly set up but it will be worth it. As I'm doing mindless things like sorting fabric by color (OCD, remember? But how does anyone find anything if you don't sort by color?) ~ I get fun ideas for new projects.  Stay tuned. :)

My new space is twice the size of my old studio and I have a new view. I am lucky that not only do we look out on a beautiful green space, but our neighbors have a deck that could double as a lovely little seaside cafe. Well, it could if we had a sea in my backyard.

My good luck buddies - made of marble or something equally as heavy.
Remember - I design and make things for kids.
This is a whimsical place. 

I have to start keeping my telephoto lens next to me at all times, too. A beautiful hawk glides by my window at least once a day.  I just hope he's not cruising for burgers (or finches as it were) at my birdfeeder...

In lieu of capturing a hawk just yet, I found this lovely little painted canvas of other birds of a feather. I just love it. It now hangs above my desk and makes me crazy happy. 

One of these days I'll paint that wall a brilliant color.

And speaking of birds... I returned to the park this morning - I don't go there on a holiday weekends.  So this morning things were back to normal ~ just me and the wind.

And my shiny Canon 40D freshly cleaned and spruced up by the camera professionals at Mike's Camera.  

Holy moly what a difference.  
Not only is my sensor crystal clear and clean
but my longer lenses that used to fish for focus
despite both having IS (one of them has double IS!)
are spot on focusing now!

These little birds go so crazy at dawn I just shoot into the masses and see what comes up.

Sometimes they even sit still

And these two 

finally got it together

So in case I forget, remind me not to wait 6 years before having my camera properly serviced again. I'm in love with my little ol' Canon again!

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