xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Friday, July 10, 2015

Hear That? That's Me. Helicopter Mom.

Since Kizzie came into my life my husband has called me Helicopter Mom. 

I tend to worry about every little thing. Like she'll slip out of her collar (this has happened). Or she will slip out of her harness (this has happened).  

Or she will fall in the water.

(This has happened.)

Helicopter Mom was taken to a whole new level when highly energetic, always active, always on the go Koko came into my life. I turned into the Queen of Helicopter Moms - the ruler of Helicopter Mom-dom.

I worry that he will fall in the water. Oh wait. He just jumps in.

I worry that he will run away. He does love to run, that boy. 
(He's on leash here.)

But he has run off leash twice. And those incidences scarred me for life. 
I am scared to death that he will escape - it's the adventuresome terrier in him.

I have a hard time trusting anyone else with them because I'm super vigilant. My husband has just kind of turned the leashes over to me and thank goodness ~ after 6 trips in a year ~ I completely and utterly trust our beloved dog sitter. You have no idea what a huge step that is for me.

So when I expressed to Yukari the other day (who knows all about my Helicopter Mom problem) that I worry about the shelter animals when they're adopted out ~~ are they going to safe homes? Are they going to get the care and the love they deserve? She smiled and replied, "Not only are you a Helicopter Mom to Koko and Kizzie but you are a Helicopter Mom to shelter animals, too!"

I'm hopeless.

I have found some really fun ways to help shelter animals. A number of businesses will donate to shelters ~ usually food/meals or sometimes monetary donations.  Here are a few I've found and enjoy:

These awesome rings came from The Animal Rescue Site  
Every purchase funds food and care for rescued animals. Y
This ring is here

This one is really fun because the paw portion of the ring spins!  
It's not only bling, but entertainment as well!

Unfortunately I don't remember where I got this bracelet but 
I know that the site also supports shelters.
It says, "The Road of Life is Sweeter When Traveled With a Dog" 

I got this fun tee from I Heart Dogs
(But, of course I care about cats, too!)

I have bought sweatshirts for me and things for my dogs from

Chateau Le Paws supports No Kill Shelters across the country ~ 
enjoy wine for a good cause!

My little business cmh design LLC donates a portion of every sale 
to The Aurora Animal Shelter,
Best Friends Sanctuary, The Dumb Friends League and
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital 
(but that's another story for another day.)

And because I like to support local artists and I love his work
I commissioned Sean Brown to make these custom pieces that 
can either be worn as pins or with adapters as necklaces.

This is Kizzie

This is Koko

Of course I love cats, too ~ an eyeglass case I bought in 
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada.  It reminded me so much of
my beloved A-choo I had to buy it.

I won't even start on all my Hello Kitty things...

So yeah, I'm the Queen of Helicopter Moms. The rest of you can relax. I've got this.

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