xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Friday, July 27, 2018

Welcome Home, Kukki

This photo is what made it happen.

On June 27, 2018 a notation popped up on my calendar "Take donations to Dumb Friends League." Periodically I go thru the toy boxes belonging to my cats and dogs, any food or treats that are perfectly fine but they've turned up their finicky noses at and donate to shelters and rescues.  

Seven weeks prior we had said farewell as our beloved Kia crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. We missed her terribly (and always will). She is tucked in our hearts for safe keeping.

But knowing that our three year old, Kazz ~ just a big kitten himself ~ needed a playmate, we were slowly warming up to the idea of adopting another cat. 

No one could ever replace Kia but there are so, so many kitties in the world who need and deserve a loving home... well, we started dropping hints to each other.

Since I was planning to drop off donations at the shelter anyway, something made me click onto "Adoptable Cats" on the Dumb Friends League website. What the heck ~ I'll just look. Right. This is the photo that made me call the shelter. This is the photo I emailed to my Mister saying, "What do you think?" I mean... his name is CHARLIE for cryin' out loud. And so is my Mister's. This is the photo that had us hopping in the car - me with no makeup and my ratty "work at home clothes" and without a lot of discussion or thought we were off to meet "Charlie."

The shelter described Charlie as:
My name is CHARLIE!  
I am a neutered male, red tabby Domestic Longhair.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 06, 2018.
I am described as A LOVING "GOOF BALL"
Favorite Things: Playtime is the best time of the day; will solicit attention to receive more pets.
Special Features: Loving/sweet purr machine; good with litterbox protocol.
Dream Home: A loving family with no small children that will turn this cat into a fine feline citizen.

His "behind the scene" notes indicated he was aggressive and had bitten someone.  We knew he had been returned twice and the notes said he shouldn't be around small children. Well, when I see "aggressive" and "small children" I see red flags and my first thought is - what did the small children do to him?

We visited with Charlie for about 10 minutes. He was adorable. A big chunk of a guy who was playful, purring, happy and easy going. There was zero indication of aggression. Sure if a cat gets overstimulated playing he may give a little love nip; but then you stop playing. It made me sad to think that such a great cat would have his chances of adoption diminished because previous owners were inexperienced in how to handle a kitten. 

Enter us.

One thing about my Mister and me? If we meet a dog or a cat at a shelter there is a 99% chance they're going home with us ~ no matter what their issues may be. In Charlie's case, that meant we knew we needed to work with him and help him lose weight. We didn't care. All 20 lbs of him was coming home with us. And we knew he wasn't aggressive. He was a kitten.

I've had A LOT of cats in my 63 years and this guy? Not one of them has adapted so quickly, so seamlessly, so happily to a family of two humans, two dogs and another cat. Today marks one month with us and it's like he's been with us forever. We did change his name because having two Charlies in the family seemed a bit confusing. And since we have Kizzie, Koko and Kazz, we searched for a K name. We settled on Kukki - which is Cookie in Japanese. And it suits our sweet boy - Kukki.

Sometimes it is just meant to be. Sometimes I get it right. 

Welcome home, Kukki.

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