xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Tipping Point

Last week I received a phone call that promised to change the trajectory of my little business and take it to a whole new level.  A big level.

I have felt for awhile that I'm reaching a tipping point.  Maybe not the tipping point, but a tipping point nonetheless.  The tipping point as Malcom Gladwell describes in "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" is "That magic moment when an idea, trend or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips and spreads like wildfire."

I don't think I'm at wildfire levels yet, but I do see things changing for the Whee Ones® and me.  This morning I decided to review how this all started. Because it seems like all of a sudden things are moving fast.  Tracing the breadcrumbs in reverse, I think it all started last September when I received a very generous offer from the Art & Culture Program at Denver International Airport (DIA).  The Whee Ones® and I were invited to be a part of an exhibit at the airport featuring all manner of Colorado artisans and craftspeople who make handmade goods.

Once the exhibit was up and running I noticed that the Whee Ones® were gracing the banner on DIA's Art & Culture website page.  Now being the perfectionist that I am, I desperately wanted to fix Jeremiah Bullfrog's eye, but alas it was not my photograph to fix.  Nonetheless, I was ~ and still am ~ honored.

Then the good folks at the Denver Handmade Alliance interviewed me.

Then my friend Jen featured the Whee Ones® and me in her Holiday Gift Guide.

Also in December I started blogging for the Handmade Colorado blog associated with the Handmade Colorado exhibit at DIA.  And again, there was that wonky but dear pic of the Whee Ones® in the banner.  I'm not complaining.

Then things really started to roll on January 1 when I was offered to sign on for an Independent Design/Production project which - at least for a few more months is

It was a two month project with incredibly tight deadlines and learning curves  that almost killed me.  Well, that might be a slight exaggeration; but it was certainly challenging and ultimately rewarding.  Now if I could just talk about it... ;-)

Later in January a friend texted me an image from the Saturday edition of the Denver Post promoting Handmade Colorado at DIA ~ and once again we have the same wonky photograph.  I'm not complaining.

Offers for markets and special events have really been coming in over the last couple of months. Some I have signed on for; some I have - with gratitude to those offering - declined.  I take my commitments seriously and will never commit to something I cannot give 100% to.

And then last Thursday came the call that could change things forever.  I pondered the offer all weekend and ultimately decided to say no.  It would have required an initial investment from me that I'm not ready to make.  It would have required me to hire a staff ~ something that I've thought about many times, but again, just isn't in the plan for the foreseeable future.

And then the real discussion began with my business adviser (aka husband)... Where do I want to go with this?  How far do I want to take this? Do I enjoy what I'm doing right now?  Where is this intense drive for success coming from?  When is enough ~ enough? Or is it time for a serious business plan?

To date everything that has happened to me has just been one delightful surprise after another.  And I like that. :)  And I have the folks at DIA to thank for much of what has come my way.  But I won't deny the fact that I worked damn hard to even be noticed by someone like the Art & Culture Program of DIA.  I just didn't know at the time that's what I was working toward. See?  Delightful surprise.

So there is no doubt that I just faced a tipping point and I think there may be a few more down the road.  I just have to wait for the right one. And until then the Whee Ones® and I will just keep doing what we do.

Hanging out and smiling.


  1. And so much gratitude. :) Thanks, Betty.

  2. Cin... I am so happy for you... You work so hard ~ day and night! You deserve all wonderful things that float your way! XO, me

  3. I'm guessing this is Chris Anonymous. Thanks my friend
