xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Friday, April 12, 2013

Paris. Wait. What?

I never wanted to go to Paris.  I don't have anything against Paris ~ or France for that matter.  It was just never on my radar.  

So no one was more surprised than me when the other day ~ I think I was doing laundry ~ and the Eiffel Tower just popped into my head.  Not literally because yowza that would sting.  But the image of the Eiffel Tower just drifted thru my mind.  

Two days later I received an email from my BFF/SIL ~ who always has wonderful ideas and the most vivid imagination ~ saying she and her mister and my mister (her brother) and I should do a London/Paris trip.  Oh and maybe throw in Ireland as well.

Last night while waiting for our yummy Chinese delivery the mister says ~ out of nowhere ~ "I think we should go to Paris."  

You know how things happen in threes.  And that will make you sit up and pay attention.  And as someone who truly does believe in signs and truly does believe that what one thinks about will truly manifest itself, this was getting serious.  So I shared what had been happening (my Eiffel Tower head and his sister's email) and all of a sudden we knew what we wanted to do to celebrate our 20th Anniversary.  

We had talked about Vegas.  But we've been there 9 times and most recently just last Christmas.  Sorry Vegas.  We had talked about San Francisco ~ as you saw in my previous post we love it there.  But we've been there four times (or more) so sorry Lucas, Val, Chick, Bob, Tracy, David.  We had talked about a Caribbean cruise, but we've done that twice.  Sorry Caribbean. We had talked about Vancouver Island but we've done that.  Sorry Mike and Chris, but you're coming to Paris with us.

And to think the closest I ever thought I would be to Paris is this:

(ala Lensbaby)

(ala Polaroid - the real Polaroid)

(ala Polaroid again - the real Polaroid)

(ala Lensbaby)

All of these pix, of course, being the Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.  :)

It may all be pie in the sky, but I hope not. At 58 I think it is about time I see some of Europe ~ while I can still walk and hold a camera steady. And who knows, London and Ireland are not off the table yet...

And if it doesn't come to pass we're going to have a lot of fun planning and thinking about it. But I hope it does.

This morning the mister and I have noticed a little more lilt in our step, a few more smiles on our faces and this feeling that we have this delicious little secret.

Oops.  Guess I blew that one, didn't I?  ;-)  Mornin' peeps!

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