xoxo, me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Saturday, April 13, 2013

On Success...

So I started my Saturday as I do every day - I pour myself a tall glass of ice water, climb the stairs to my studio and methodically open the tabs I keep open and check several times thruout the day.  Turn on the TV and watch a little news; read a little news online.  Read a couple of blogs I follow. Catch up on email, respond to a few. Check my Etsy shop for activity; check FB for anything exciting I may have missed overnight.  And finally take a look at my perpetual Order List, update it and decide where I will start with my work day.

Along the way this Saturday morning though I stopped and read an article "What Most Successful People Do With Their Weekends"  Of course I expected to read about a mixture of work and play; but mostly work.  This is where my head has been at for about 4 years folks so bear with me...  I was surprised the article emphasized relaxation.  Getting some fresh air, doing other things you enjoy, spending time with family and friends can recharge your batteries.  A run or a hike in nature can clear your head and help you work thru things that may have stumped you sitting behind a computer.  Even planning a fun event or a vacation can be relaxing and bring happiness.

Funny thing is I know this.  I used to start every day like this:

And I shared it with wild critters like this:

Next to the water like this:

And then something happened.

My little business took off like gangbusters because I work on the weekends!

Trust me, I'm getting better at finding some balance; I do take time to play. But a little work every day ~ especially when it is something you love doing ~ never hurt anyone.  And building something totally on my own from the ground up ~ making something out of nothing ~ is extremely rewarding.  Successful is not a word I ever thought I would associate with myself but dammit, I think I'm getting there.  And Zelda would agree ~ we're having a helluva' good time along the way. 

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