xoxo, me

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Colorado, United States
Volunteer Photographer Dumb Friends League Animal Shelter, Kahu to The Many Paws, Mimi to three lovely little humans, Creator of Whee Ones (stuffies), Art Lover, Wannabe Writer and Cat Person

Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh, Lordie... It's All About the Food

I married into a family of foodies.  I mean people who really love food. Who get super excited over food. Who can spend hours - I mean hours - in a grocery store. I once stopped with my sweet mother-in-law at King Soopers to pick up cheese - just cheese.  Two hours later we're in line and she says, "Oh honey, I forgot the cheese!"  

Put them in some place like the fancy dancy King Soopers on Leetsdale in Denver and they can spend a day there.  I'm not kidding.  Take them to a Farmer's Market and you would be wise to bring along your Kindle because it'll be a loooong day.  Give them a menu in a restaurant and they will pour over every item and "oooo" and "aaaaahhhh" for what seems an eternity.

Don't get me wrong ~ I love them all. Food ~ and preparing meals ~ has always just kind of been one more thing I have to do. Sometimes I enjoy cooking; but more often than not, it's just one more thing to do at the end of a busy day.

Time together with these foodies I love - whether it be a celebration, a serious conversation or an impulsive, spontaneous get together - always centers around food. Whether it be breakfast

or lunch (the favorite time to meet)

or dinner (if we can stay up that late)

A birthday requires cake

or perhaps something a bit healthier

So when the mister became friends with a new-to-Denver, extremely talented caterer, Katie, who makes delicious meals and the her equally talented artist husband, Chris, delivers them right to your door ~ well, he was over the moon excited to give it a try. I was intrigued but having grown up in a household where you do everything for yourself, it seemed like a luxury I didn't quite deserve. But busy as we are (and I would not have had a moment's hesitation a couple of months ago when an Indie Design/Production project had me working 16 hours days!) I consented to give the idea a try.

One of our first meals was a pasta dish (the pic doesn't do it justice but I was in a hurry to dig in) that had me going back for seconds and I had to stop myself from thirds...

Besides the delicious food the other thing I love about The Spicy Radish is all your meals are delivered in Be Green containers ~ every bit of the packaging is recyclable.  YES!  My kind of people! No Styrofoam here thank you very much!

The chicken burgers with dill, roasted red peppers and feta with a caper aioli sauce and roasted sweet potato fries on the side were unbelievably yummy.

And then we have things like the beet, orange and feta salad and spicy garlicky shrimp with orzo that I love but would never make for myself.

So, yeah... it took all of one week to say "Sold!" on the idea of The Spicy Radish making weekly deliveries to our home.

And we are noticing other great benefits to this wonderful home delivery ~ like did you know there is a light in the refrigerator?  And I have glass shelves! For once the fridge isn't full of all manner of leftovers we never eat and bits and drips of things we don't need. 

Which brings me to the other good thing ~ for the most part we are staying out of the grocery stores. Which eliminates all those impulsive food purchases that (a) we don't need and (b) we often don't even eat beyond the first couple of bites that tempted us to buy them in the first place.

And because we're not spending time and money in the grocery stores (other than quick trips for milk, bread and the essentials) we are saving some serious coin!

So this is a total win-win situation.  And I promise from now on I will be shooting the food properly with my real camera rather than my phone.  Because Katie's food deserves the best!  

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