xoxo, me

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Colorado, United States

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hot. And Cold.

I used to be upset when I would come upon a beautiful image like this

and not have the "right" lens. Today I just enjoyed it for what it was ~ a beautiful, quiet moment in nature. She watched me as I walked by and didn't move an inch. So we shared our minute or two and went back to our own lives.

I had given up on the yuccas blooming this year (they tend to bloom every other year). So I was happy to see a few buds. The ladybug was, too. 

I returned to my Jeep at 7:31 am and it was already 75 degrees.  The forecast high for today is 98 degrees. On June 10. Oh lordie. What will August bring?

On my short drive home I knew one thing.  It was smoothie time.

A repeat from last week ~ slightly tweaked ~
and ever so yum

I might need a bigger blender...
I'm making them for two these days.
It's not what you think.
I've got the Mister hooked on them, too.

Super easy recipe 

This time I finely grated the ginger to almost liquid form, added more pineapple, I am helping my blender's workload by adding crushed ice and ~

remember those bananas I froze the other day?
Oh em gee. What a difference frozen bananas make in a smoothie!

First of all, the bananas will last forever in frozen form. Well, at least longer than they do on the counter. And they help make the smoothie nice and cold. You can bet I'm stocking up on bananas next time I'm at the market!

So damn good I had two.

But it was a small glass. 

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